李 霖 / LI LIN

  • 中国広東省出身。

    2015年からデザイナーアシスタントのアルバイトしながらヴォーカリストとしてバンド活動をし、2018年に来日MUSICIANS INSTITUTE TOKYOに入り、ヴィジュアル系セッションやりながら音楽の勉強を開始。

    在学中「LA CORRUPTION」をスタート。




    Li Lin is a designer and entrepreneur hailing from Guangdong Province, China. He is a graduate of Vantan Design Institute.

    Since 2015, he has worked as a designer’s assistant while simultaneously pursuing his passion as a vocalist in a band.

    In 2018, he embarked on his music education journey at MUSICIANS INSTITUTE TOKYO, immersing himself in music studies and participating in sessions with a visual kei music group.

    Upon graduation, he commenced his design studies at Vantan in 2019, concurrently establishing the brand “LA CORRUPTION” during this period.

    In 2022, he founded the Shtola Limited Liability Company.

    Fueled by a desire to harmonize his musical sensibilities with a dedicated approach to design, his designs guided by the philosophy: “Beyond expressing the beauty of regularity and order, we also aim to capture the allure of chaos and uncertainty.”

  • 合同会社シュトラ
    〒168-0063 東京都杉並区和泉2-31-12-101
    TEL 070-1539-0447

    Shtola LCC
    #101 2-31-12 Izumi, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 1680063 JAPAN

    TEL +81-70-1539-0447