伴野 朱音 / BANNO AKANE

  • 伴野 朱音は、名古屋学芸大学出身。卒業制作では最優秀賞を受賞。
    卒業後、株式会社nuiya design 入社。


    Akane Banno is a graduate of Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences. She won the Grand Prize for her graduation work.
    After graduation, she joined nuiya design Inc.
    In 2024, she started ENSW.
    The collection is based on a relaxing silhouette, and is timelessly developed under the theme of “The image of a woman who lives her life freely, immune to flattery.”

  • 株式会社ヌイヤデザイン
    〒116-0002 東京都荒川区荒川4-25-8 サウルスマンション2F
    TEL 03-6806-8433
    FAX 03-6806-8433

    nuiya design co.,ltd
    2F 4-25-8 Arakawa Arakawa Tokyo 116-0002 Japan
    TEL ‭+81-3-6806-8433‬‬‬‬‬‬‬